Tim Debat UNP Lolos Seleksi Regional NUDC 2023 | LLDIKTI X

Faraj Mushoddaq (N1 Adjudicator), Syofianda Latifah (Debater) & Muhammad Owen (Debater)

Tim Debat UNP Lolos Seleksi Regional NUDC 2023 | LLDIKTI X

Faraj Mushoddaq (N1 Adjudicator), Syofianda Latifah (Debater) & Muhammad Owen (Debater)

Mohammad Owen as Debater

Syofianda Latifah as Debater

Faraj Mushoddaq as N1 Adjudicator

Congratulations to UKBA's members as the delegation of UNP for National University Debating Championship (NUDC):
- Top 18th Breaking Teams in Region 1 Sumatera
1. M. Owen (debater 1) as 9th Best Speaker on LLDIKTI X.
2. Syofianda Latifah (debater 2) as 6th Best Speaker on LLDIKTI X.
3. Faraj Mushoddaq (N1 adjudicator) as N-1 Adjudicator:
- 5x times choosen as Panelist of 6 rounds preliminary rounds
- 6th position highest N-1 Adjudicators ONLY current weighted score in Region 1 Sumatera
- 3rd position highest N-1 Adjudicators current weighted score in LLDIKTI X
- 2nd position Highest N-1 Adjudicator current weighted score in West Wumatera campus scale

Hopefully this achievement can inspire us to achieve even more prestigious achievements.

Who's next?



Tim Debat UNP Lolos Seleksi Regional NUDC 2023 | LLDIKTI X
UKBA UNP 1 Juni 2023
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